Feb 27, 20212 min readUHNA Executive Committee Meeting Agenda - March 3rdMARCH 3, 2021, 5:00 – 6:30 PM, VIRTUAL MEETING UHNA Executive Committee Stacy Silverstein Apple Nancy Blackwood Stephen Clark Lori Lucas...
Feb 2, 20212 min readUHNA Executive Committee Meeting Agenda - February 3rdFEBRUARY 3, 2021, 5:00 – 6:30 PM, VIRTUAL MEETING UHNA Executive Committee Stacy Silverstein Apple Nancy Blackwood Stephen Clark Lori...
Nov 18, 20201 min readUHNA Listserv Moving to Google Groups December 1We have a BIG change happening to our UHNA Listserv. Yahoo is shutting down Yahoo Groups. After reviewing our options, we have decided to...
Nov 2, 20201 min readUHNA Executive Committee Meeting Agenda-November 4thNOVEMBER 4, 2020, 5:00 – 6:30 PM, VIRTUAL MEETING UHNA Executive Committee Stacy Silverstein Apple Nancy Blackwood Andrea Clark Stephen...