Beach Park Spring Cleanup!
Huge thanks to Nan and Gerry Bunce, Stefan Magnussen, Will Aaron, Emily Lehn, and Stacy Silverstein Apple for all of their great work getting Beach Park cleaned up (pictures below). Lots of weeding has been done, and it is a wonderful way to socially distance and catch up with neighbors. We have more cleanups planned these next few weeks, so if you'd like to volunteer, please email Callie Weiant and sign up with the city using the link below.
Even if you're not available to volunteer, swing by the park - it's looking good and has been lively with residents walking to the Hill and playing at the park. We are also looking forward to welcoming Women's Wilderness at the Harbeck House.
If you would like to participate in the future organized neighborhood cleanups and events, email the University Hill Neighborhood Association Executive Committee at
Happy Summer!