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Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

University Hill Neighborhood Association

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

The Castle House, October 24, 2019, 5:30 pm—7:00 pm

ATTENDING: Nancy Blackwood, Stacy Silverstein Apple, Lori Schuyler, Lisa Spalding, Linda Sparn, Scott Thomas

ABSENT: Andrea Clark, Stephen Clark, Jyotsna Raj

HRWG REPS: Lisa Nelson in attendance; Callie Weiant and Andrew Shoemaker not in attendance

INVITED GUEST: Jeremy Moore of CU’s Office of Off-Campus Housing & Neighborhood Relations


  • Open enrollment meetings for Flatirons Elementary are scheduled in November and December. Scott will send the notice to the Listserv

CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATE FORUM (Stacy Silverstein Apple, Linda Sparn, Lisa Spalding, Scott


  • The Hill Boulder and UHNA co-sponsored a City Council Candidate Forum September 30 at Café Aion

  • The Forum was well attended by Hill merchants and neighborhood residents

  • All council members except for one attended or sent someone to speak in their place

  • Most candidates expressed support for the Hill Hotel. Few had knowledge of the issues faced by the neighborhood and none proposed any concrete solutions other than increased enforcement

  • After the election, the EC will pursue meetings with the elected officials


Nancy Blackwood)

  • The EC is supportive of the ballot measure in its intent for the City to help middle income workers afford to buy a home in Boulder by creating a pool of funds that would fill the financing gap between Boulder home prices and what middle-income buyers can afford. There is concern however that the program would not cover the cost of housing on the Hill so it may not be of much use to the neighborhood

  • If the measure passes, the EC will provide input to the program development to hopefully ensure some benefit to the Hill neighborhood


& NEIGHBORHOOD ISSUES (Lisa Nelson, Stacy Silverstein Apple)

  • Lisa updated the EC on several HRWG items

  • HRWG is scheduled to meet in November and a meeting is being scheduled for December with all stakeholders involved in the life of CU students

  • The City is evaluating which staff will continue to be involved with HRWG and there may be upcoming changes to the group

  • The EC and HRWG UHNA representatives believe it is critical for City staff and council to remain involved on an ongoing basis

  • Over the past month, Hill neighbors have expressed heightened concern and frustration with student behavior on the Hill. Many complaints have been registered through the UHNA Listserv and with the City. The top issues are related to noise, amplified music, large parties, unkept properties, trash not being secured from bears, and parking.

  • A neighborhood meeting is scheduled for October 29 at Innisfree Poetry Bookstore & Café to discuss the concerns and plan strategies for action to address the complaints. Lisa Nelson will facilitate the meeting

  • The EC supports and will work to increase City code enforcement on student-related behavioral issues as well as landlord issues including over-occupancy, expired rental licenses and unkept properties. Nuisance abatement proceedings can also serve to put pressure on landlords and should be explored further

  • Regarding addressing housing issues and the loss of families on the Hill, Callie and Stacy have contacted Veronica Precella, the CEO of the Boulder Area Realtor Association, and have a meeting scheduled

  • Ideas for landlords include encouraging leasing provisions that forbid chalking, beer pong/dice tables, large parties, and requiring more upkeep of the properties

  • The EC is supportive also of looking at other housing initiatives to encourage families to move to the Hill including non-profit options, land trust approach, rent-to-own options and for-profit middle-income housing


(Jeremy Moore)

  • Jeremy reported that CU is aware of the need for ongoing and increased education of students living off campus

  • Programs have been instituted this Fall to address safety and bear/trash concerns:

  • CU partnered with Western Disposal to educate students on the danger to bears when trash is not contained and the City’s trash-related ordinances

  • CU hosted Valerie Matheson, Boulder’s urban wildlife conservation coordinator, to educate students on bears and wildlife

  • CU has begun holding fire safety classes and overall residential safety programs, collaborating with the Boulder Police and Fire Departments

  • The ambassador program (students who live in the neighborhood and work with students on education and mediating issues) is active. Jeremy will provide a further update next EC meeting

  • Over 150 welcome bags were distributed to student residents and the feedback has been positive

MARPA HOUSE (Nancy Blackwood)

  • The EC and next-door neighbors are continuing to monitor Marpa House, which was sold earlier this year to a developer who has plans for luxury student housing

  • Separately, the City of Boulder Landmarks Board public hearing to review the landmark application for the building is scheduled for Wednesday, December 4

HILL HOTEL UPDATE (Nancy Blackwood)

  • The UHNA EC continues to follow this development

  • After the elections, communication to the new council will be a priority

UHNA COMMUNICATIONS (Scott Thomas, Linda Sparn, Stacy Silverstein Apple)

  • The Fall newsletter and Tips Sheet were widely distributed in print and through the Listserv

  • Thank you to Callie and Andrea for their work on the Fall newsletter, and to Sarah Wiebensen and the City of Boulder for printing the Tips Sheet

  • Reports continue of issues related to the Yahoo-hosted UHNA Listserv. Options, including using Google, are being explored

HARBECK-BERGHEIM HOUSE (Lisa Spalding, Linda Sparn, Nancy Blackwood)

  • Proposals to the City to lease the house are due by November 1

  • The UHNA EC wrote a letter to the Parks & Recreation department supporting Historic Boulder’s proposal to lease the Harbeck-Bergheim House

  • The EC believes Historic Boulder would be a good steward for the house

  • The EC will continue to monitor the situation

  • More information is available at


  • Linda provided a report via email prior to the meeting

  • UHNA has a balance of $2,185 in its business checking account

  • The required periodic reporting to the Colorado Secretary of State for UHNA has been filed and the $10 filing fee paid

  • Recent donations include:

  • Callie Weiant donated the cost of printing the Fall newsletter ($118)

  • The City of Boulder through Sarah Wiebensen donated the cost of printing the Tips Sheet that accompanied the Fall newsletter ($400+)

  • Donation by James Greer ($25)

The next UHNA EC meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 21

Minutes Respectfully Submitted By:

Linda Sparn

Member, Executive Committee

University Hill Neighborhood Association

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