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Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

University Hill Neighborhood Association

Executive Committee Meeting Minutes - Final

The Sparn Residence, July 24, 2019, 5:30 pm—7:00 pm

ATTENDING: Nancy Blackwood, Stacy Silverstein Apple, Jyotsna Raj, Beanne Rothenberg, Lisa Spalding, Linda Sparn

ABSENT: Andrea Clark, Stephen Clark, Lori Schuyler, Scott Thomas

HRWG REPS: Lisa Nelson and Callie Weiant in attendance; Andrew Shoemaker not in attendance

INVITED GUESTS: Stephan van der Mersch, Stephen Sparn

  • MARPA HOUSE (Stephan van der Mersch, Stacy Silverstein Apple)

  • Marpa House, a contemplative community at 891 12th Street, owned by Shambhala, is under contract to be sold to a developer who has submitted a pre-application to the City of Boulder Planning Department to convert the historic house into 16 3-bedroom apartments, most likely for student housing

  • Stephan and Stacy updated the EC on the status and the various planned future activities

  • The sale of the house has not closed at this date and the Planning Department has not yet responded to the pre-application

  • A group of residents, investors and other supporters have formed a non-profit, The Community of Marpa House, which is planning to submit a back-up offer

  • The EC notes that the neighborhood has expressed much concern over the future of Marpa House, the loss of this community and the negative impact of high-density student housing in this mostly single-family area in the Uni-Hill neighborhood

  • UHNA and a group formed by Stephan, Lower Chautauqua Neighbors, have united to fight the development plans through attendance at City Council meetings, letters to City Council, letters to Shambhala, outreach to the Planning Department to ensure UHNA is kept informed, outreach and commentary to the media, and support to The Community of Marpa House (

  • Separately Historic Boulder has initiated the process with the City of Boulder to designate Marpa House as a local historic landmark, following the outpouring of support from neighbors, residents of Marpa House and the community to landmark Marpa House at the Landmarks Board meeting July 19. The EC has submitted a letter to the Landmarks Board in support of the historic landmarking

  • Marpa House is a quickly developing situation and the EC will keep neighbors updated through the Listserv


  • Lisa and Callie updated the EC on several HRWG and UHCAMC items

  • UCHAMC has an open position (a property owner or representative for 5 year term.) More information on UCHAMC at

  • A handout is being developed for Hill residents on enforcement-related issues, options for making a complaint and how best to handle various situations

  • Several ideas to encourage positive student resident neighborhood relationships have been discussed with the University of Colorado Off-Campus Housing Office. Talks have been encouraging and ideas include more work with the Boulder Police Department and City (reporting all incidents and code-violations to ensure City is aware), re-instituting the idea of “block captains,” outreach and communications to the Boulder Area Rental Housing Association (BARHA) to work with landlords and property owners

  • Callie volunteered to initiate the block captains program

  • Callie, Lisa and Stacy are working with Brenda Ritenour, the City of Boulder Neighborhood Liaison

  • Next UHCAMC meeting is August 6

  • HILL HOTEL UPDATE (Nancy Blackwood)

  • Sarah Wiebenson, Hill Community Development Coordinator, is putting together an information packet for City Council for an early September meeting

  • EC noted that it is important for Hill neighbors to keep in front of City Council regarding this project which EC members support

  • EC also recommends interacting with candidates for City Council on their positions related to the Hill Hotel and other neighborhood issues

  • CU has not yet announced the plans for their adjacent conference center

  • Lisa Spalding is continuing to monitor effect of new zoning regulations, especially the BMS zone-related issues


  • A priority for the EC is to facilitate neighborhood communications with neighbors, many who have had issues with the Listserv. Alternatives for the Listserv or improved routines to enroll will be sought

  • Improvements will also be made to the website (

  • Linda advised EC members to follow and post to Instagram - the hashtag #thehillBoulder

  • EC also discussed distribution of a print newsletter this summer

  • Volunteers will be sought to assist with communications

  • HARBECK-BERGHEIM HOUSE (Lisa Spalding, Linda)

  • The City of Boulder’s Parks and Recreation Department still has not prepared and released an RFP for leasing the Harbeck-Bergheim House at 12th Street & Euclid Avenue

  • The delay and lack of communication by the City of Boulder is of concern, especially seeing the house continue to sit empty, now for over a year. There is concern regarding vandalism, the attraction of the homeless/transient population and further delayed maintenance

  • Historic Boulder, who the EC believes would be a good steward of the house, is looking at potential partners and preparing for their response

  • Lisa, Linda and Jyostna continue to participate in Historic Boulder’s committee and provide input from the neighborhood perspective

  • UHNA NEIGHBORHOOD EVENTS (Beanne Rothenberg)

  • On behalf of UHNA, Beanne submitted a proposal for a Spark grant through the Neighborhood Connections grant program in support of the Studio Arts Boulder (Pottery Lab) Chili Bowl, its annual street party, scheduled for Sunday, September 22, 2019 from noon to 5pm at 1010 Aurora Avenue ( The grant was declined because the City believed the event’s focus and goals are much wider than serving University Hill neighbors, thus the Chili Bowl falls outside the purview of this particular grant program. UHNA has been advised to develop a strategy for 2020

  • EC will look at UHNA hosting a candidate forum for City Council candidates this fall


  • The University Hill Public Art Installation has been delayed according to Marcel de Lange, the CU associate professor who is working on the project with his class. The City of Boulder Planning Department rejected the design

  • Nancy has been advised to reach out to the Boulder Office of Arts + Culture and Public Works

  • EC expressed concern that this is another example of a project connected to the University Hill neighborhood in which the City has failed the neighborhood


  • Beanne Rothenberg’s last meeting was today as she has resigned due to her move to DC later this summer. The financial records will be temporarily assigned to Linda Sparn. A volunteer may be sought for grant writing responsibilities

  • The EC expressed their gratitude to Beanne for her years of contributions

  • August Meeting: Tent. August 29

Minutes Respectfully Submitted By:

Linda Sparn

Member, Executive Committee

University Hill Neighborhood Association

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