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Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

University Hill Neighborhood AssociationExecutive Committee Meeting MinutesThe Castle House, May 16, 2018, 5:30 pm-7:00 pm

ATTENDING: Nancy Blackwood, Scott Thomas, Beanne Rothenberg, Lori Schuyler, Stephen Clark, Andrea Clark, Jyostna Raj, Lisa Spalding, Linda Sparn

ABSENT: Karina Berg


  • BEACH PARK BBQ: Beanne Rothenberg

  • UHNA submitted for a Spark Grant and was awarded $1,500

  • The goal of these grants is to increase opportunities for neighbors to meet and get together, to build community, and to support events and projects that enhance our neighborhood

  • The grant will be used to fund the Beach Park BBQ set for August 25, 2018

  • Beanne gave an update on the initial plans and ideas for the BBQ

  • Volunteers are needed immediately for a wide range of activities pre-event including 1) Table for Education Materials 2) Activities 3) Give-aways 4) Marketing and Promotion and 5) Raffles and Baskets for Fundraising

  • Ideas for getting the word out include distribution of flyers, door hangers, website posting and through the Listserv

  • Some concern was expressed about a CU event planned for the same day at the Hill Event Street; more information will be gathered to see if any coordination is needed

  • Businesses and others interested in donating will be reminded of the available tax deduction


  • Callie attended the EC meeting to discuss the priorities for UHNA related to the HRWG

  • Many ideas were discussed regarding neighborhood conservation and the alarming trend of single family homes being sold and becoming student rentals, and concern of over-occupancy of many of the units

  • The UHNA will develop a sub-committee devoted to addressing this issue and will reach out to the diverse stakeholders

  • Callie and Lisa Nelson will schedule a meeting dedicated to discussing UHNA priorities for the HRWG

  • UHCAMC: Lisa Spalding

  • On behalf of the UHNA EC, Lisa attended the UHCAMC meeting

  • The UHCAMC supports the new planned hotel on The Hill

  • The EC discussed ways to share information with neighbors on the hotel project and ways to support The Hill businesses

  • Ideas included hosting a “Neighbors Night Out” and to remind the neighborhood to frequent The Hill businesses, especially during these traditionally slower summer months


  • The EC will provide updates as they are available and the link to the City of Boulder website page which has information on the Harbeck-Bergheim House

  • A suggestion was made to research more on the history of the house and the relationship to Beach Park and the neighborhood; EC will reach out to Historic Boulder

  • Neighbors interested in getting updates can sign up on the City of Boulder website page


  • Lisa provided information and some alternative ideas related to the regulations being considered by City Council which will hold a formal public hearing June 5

  • Concerns were expressed of current non-conforming rentals and short-term rentals and the need to confirm the number of current ADUs already in the neighborhood

  • C.A.M.P. PARK-TO-PARK UPDATE: Stephen Clark

  • No public information is available on this program to provide transportation to Chautauqua and charge for parking but the program is expected to start Memorial Day weekend with few changes from last year

  • New this year: the special events shuttle for Chautauqua events will be coordinated with the Park-to-Park buses. The hours of the buses are expected to change to 8am to 8pm (last year it was 7am – 7pm)

  • The EC will push for better data collecting this year on ridership and continue to pursue smaller buses and electric bus options to reduce the noise experienced by neighbors

  • The HOP schedule is changing in August


  • Expected enrollment for Fall 2018 is down for both Flatirons and Uni Hill Elementary schools; the EC will continue to follow this situation

  • The BVSD has taken no further action at this point on the sale of Uni Hill Elementary

  • The BVSD has conditionally approved Summit Academy's charter high school application. Summit needs to secure a facility and was interested in co-housing with New Vista which District officials did not believe was viable

  • FUNDRAISING: Beanne Rothenberg

  • UHNA had $90 in tea sales at the General Meeting, also available through the website

  • Pay Pal has been added as a payment option on the website for donations

  • The idea of baskets for a raffle at the Beach Park BBQ in August was suggested


  • The June meeting is tentatively planned for June 20

  • The EC will invite the City of Boulder Forester to a summer EC meeting or a special neighborhood meeting to discuss the City’s activities related to the Emerald Ash Borer. Information will be posted to the website and on the Listserv

Minutes Respectfully Submitted By:

Linda Sparn

Member, Executive Committee


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