Executive Committee Meetings Minutes
University Hill Neighborhood Association
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes FINAL
The Castle House, 01/23/2018, 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
ATTENDING: Nancy Blackwood, Scott Thomas, Beanne Rothenberg, Lori Schuyler, Stephen Sparn, Susan Stafford
ABSENT: Stephen Clark, Andrea Clark, Jan Burton, Tracy Jennings (HRWG)
INVITED GUESTS: Karina Berg (The Academy), Lisa Nelson (HRWG) and Callie Weiant (HRWG)
Stephen Clark sent an email update to the EC saying he was in the process of contacting Bill Rigler, Chairperson at Transportation Advisory Board (TAB), and will report back to the group with feedback from Bill and, hopefully the draft staff memo to City Council.
Nancy reported that the City and HRWG (Hill Reinvestment Working Group) will be sponsoring a presentation to the neighborhood on Thursday 1 March or Thursday 15 March 2018. Sarah Wiebenson (COB Hill Coordinator) will confirm shortly.
HILL REINVESTMENT WORKING GROUP (Residential Group): Callie and Lisa
Callie and Lisa shared a little background on this group: The first year (2016) was spent laying the groundwork for the following year (2017) when the group split into 2 groups (Commercial District and the Residential Neighborhood). The mission of this group is “best practices for neighborhood conservation”, renewed vitality to assure resilience and sustainability. They will (in partnership with the UHNA EC) reach out to the various groups that influence our neighborhood (Realtors and BARHA/landlord group) and to the neighborhood to better understand and address issues and concerns and generate ideas for reversing the alarming trend of the conversion of single family homes to (over-occupied student) rentals. One important task this year is to identify permanent funding for the Residential Service District (RSD). One option being considered is a Utility Fee for those buildings within the District.
EC/HRWG to contact Boulder Board of Realtors and BARHA to initiate conversation regarding issues the Hill neighborhood faces.
The first action item is to reach out to the neighborhood/residents to understand their vision of what the Hill can be, through an interactive Survey, Neighborhood Newsletter, UHNA ListServe, Next Door and the UHNA Spring General Meeting.
Callie and Lisa will generate a first draft of the survey within the next couple of weeks and share with the EC for feedback.
Newsletter: EC to generate a preliminary draft Neighborhood Newsletter before the end of February. To be mailed to the List Serve, put on UHNA website and on NextDoor with a link to the survey. Also, newsletter to be hand delivered 17-23 March – the week before spring break.
Karina Berg offered The Academy for our Spring General Meeting. Potential dates: 18 or 19 April. Karina will get back to us to confirm a date.
Research: HRWG and EC to enlist help from City to document trend of the conversion of single family homes to rental property.
Possible dates for February 2018 EC meeting: 20th, 21st, 22nd and 27th.
ADU – Follow progress of proposed revisions to the ADU Ordinance.
Follow up with BHARA. Map the rental properties, student move-in mid-August,. Potential for one of EC members to attend BHARA meeting and present concerns. Be proactive. (Nancy to follow up with Meghan in late July.)
Harbeck House Status: Museum of Boulder will be moving out of Harbeck House this summer. HH is managed by the Parks Department.
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB): Over 30% of all trees in Boulder are Ash trees. The majority will succumb to the EAB. Invite Kathleen Alexander (head of CoB Forestry Department) to speak to the group or share information that we can put up on our Website.
Strategize Fundraising Ideas.
NEIGHBORHOOD CONNECTIONS GRANT PROGRAM: New neighborhood grant program is up and running. Two types of grants available: Neighborhood Enhancement Grants ($20,000). Mandatory information/training session required. (Tuesday February 6th from 6:15-7:45 pm George Reynolds Library OR Wednesday February 7th from 6:15-7:30 pm at Meadows Branch Library OR Saturday March 17th from 3:30-5 pm at Boulder Public Library, Boulder Creek Room. AND Neighborhood Spark Grants ($1,000). Need to reach out to neighborhood/residents to solicit ideas and champion this effort.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted By:
Nancy Blackwood
President, Executive Committee