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Summer Activities on the Hill!

The Executive Committee recently received an update from Sarah Wiebenson, the University Hill Community Development Coordinator, on some exciting Summer activities!


The two exciting bits of news are that the first Hillanthropy of the year already has 50 students signed up. We will be sending 20 to the cemetery to help with the Parks and Recreation effort there. Neighbors are welcome to work alongside the students and business owners in the commercial area too – we are planting flower pots and weeding the underpass.

The second bit of news is that we’re close to finalizing an event permit for Summer Sundays on the Hill: an event series run by The Hill Boulder that is intended to invite year-round residents into the Hill Commercial Area on Sunday mornings in June and July: “While the (big) kids are away, come up and play!” We will shut down 13th Street from the CU lot to College on Sunday mornings when parking is free, and there will be different children’s activities featured each week, e.g. Fire truck, Police squad car, Water festival play tables, Arts + Culture craft activities, etc. The series is sponsored by UHGID and the Hill Reinvestment funds, and we will be power-washing the streets and using police foot patrols to make the district a more welcoming place that families will want to return to each Sunday morning. We also have 8 restaurants that serve breakfast; Core Power yoga will provide free classes; and there will be live acoustic music to give it a festival feel. Hopefully neighbors will feel like they’ve gotten their neighborhood commercial district back for the summer!

Another piece of info I will be getting out in the next month or so is that this summer we will have four places to get ice cream on the Hill:

  • Thousand Degree’s Pizza, 1310 College (opening soon): Glacier gelato

  • Insomnia Cookies,1203 13th Street: ice cream

  • ScroogeMaki, 1107 13th Street: soft serve ice cream

  • Bova’s, 1325 Broadway: frozen custard

© 2023 UHNA University Hill Neighborhood Association

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